Neck pain

Neck Pain Relief in Westfield

The neck is the most flexible yet also the most vulnerable part of your spine. It's where the spinal cord exits the brain to transmit signals to the rest of the body, making it essential for proper function. However, it's easy to understand why the neck is prone to injury—imagine trying to balance a 10-12 pound watermelon on the end of a stick with only a few rubber bands for support. Fortunately, Dr. Kang, our chiropractor in Westfield, offers a variety of natural treatment options to relieve neck pain and promote complete healing.

Neck Pain Treatment from Our Chiropractor

Our chiropractor diagnoses the root causes of your neck pain and provides non-invasive, drug-free treatments that address these issues directly. These natural therapies help restore proper spinal alignment, relieve pinched nerves, ease soft tissue sprains and strains, and improve your posture to prevent future injuries. The specific treatments we recommend depend on the underlying cause of your pain:

  • Tech neck

    • No matter the name—tech neck, smartphone spine, Janda’s upper cross syndrome, text neck, forward head posture, or anterior head syndrome—it's painful. More and more people are suffering from it due to spending over 90 minutes a day hunched over mobile devices. This widespread posture issue is especially concerning for children, as their necks and nervous systems are still developing. If you’re already experiencing pain, or even if you’re not, it’s important to see a specialist in tech neck and upper cross syndrome. Dr. Damien Kang and his team in Westfield can provide effective treatment and ergonomic training to help you address and prevent further discomfort.

  • Whiplash and Neck Trauma

    • When the head is forcefully jerked back and forth due to a car accident, sports incident, or personal injury, the vertebrae can shift out of alignment. This sudden motion also strains the muscles, ligaments, and tendons, leading to neck pain, stiffness, headaches, difficulty concentrating, and even blurred vision. Our chiropractor offers spinal adjustments to realign the vertebrae, along with therapeutic exercises to promote soft tissue healing, alleviate pain, and restore full neck mobility.

  • Poor Posture Habits

    • Consistently maintaining a "forward head posture" (FHP) from prolonged screen use, improper workstation ergonomics, or poor sleep posture can gradually pull neck vertebrae out of alignment. This misalignment puts strain on soft tissues, leading to nerve compression and chronic discomfort. Spinal adjustments, targeted exercises, and ergonomic guidance help retrain soft tissues, strengthen neck muscles, and provide lasting neck pain relief.

  • Stress and Muscle Tension

    • Emotional stress often leads to excessive muscle tension in the neck and shoulders, which can contribute to discomfort and restricted movement. Additionally, stress can make it more difficult to maintain proper posture, further exacerbating neck pain.

When you constantly look down at your mobile device, your 10-pound head puts almost 60 pounds of pressure on your neck. This excessive strain can cause damage to your vertebrae, pinch discs and nerves, overstretch ligaments and tendons, and strain muscles.

Chiropractic Care and Ergonomic Training to Prevent Tech Neck Injury

If you or someone you care about is already experiencing these symptoms, chiropractic care and therapeutic exercises can provide relief from tech neck pain. Even if you haven't felt pain yet, it's important to get posture and ergonomic training from our doctors to avoid future issues.

Prevent Tech Neck with These Tips

Create a family and friends action plan to help each other prevent tech neck injury—be the "posture police," especially with your kids. Follow these tips to protect your neck:

  • Sit or stand with your neck straight, eyes looking forward, and shoulders back but relaxed.

  • Bring your mobile device up to eye level, avoiding the need to bend your head down.

  • Rest your elbows on a table or use a pillow across your abs to support your arms and prevent fatigue.

  • Keep text messages and emails brief—avoid writing long messages on your phone.

  • Take regular breaks from your device to stretch, walk, or do the therapeutic exercises recommended by your chiropractor.

  • Use a Bluetooth earpiece for long phone calls to prevent craning your head to the side.